• +31 (0)629043593
  • info@speysfsc.com

Greetings from our Founder

Allow me to share inception of SPEYS and my commitment to the principles that define our consultancy.

I started my journey at Wageningen University and Research, having earned both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Food Technology. 

In 2020, I had the privilege of contributing to the scientific community with an article published in the Food & Function journal. This academic journey laid the groundwork for my dual passion: science and entrepreneurship. Fusion of my high regard for scientific integrity and the diverse challenges within the food industry resulted in the establishment of SPEYS Food Science Consultancy.

I believe in the potential of scientific knowledge to drive meaningful change.

At Speys, we stand firm in our commitment to scientific excellence and empathetic engagement. We're not just consultants; we're partners invested in the success of your business.

Warm regards,

Phylyne van Rijs
SPEYS Food Science Consultancy

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Connecting science and your business

We specialise in connecting the latest food science insights with the day-to-day operations of your business.

Our goal is straightforward: to demonstrate that science is not just a concept but a practical tool for your company's success. Allow us to be your guide in translating scientific knowledge into actionable strategies. Together, we will construct bridges that seamlessly integrate our scientific expertise with the everyday operations of your business.